Big Shrimpin' Down in ENC - Trailing Rachel
I’m so, so sorry for the title of this post. Really. I just got it in my head and couldn’t help myself. So it’s here to stay. You’ll just have to deal with it. God, I’m sorry. But I mean, who doesn’t love shrimp and grits? As I mentioned in my monthly wrap-up of the things I was lovin’ recently, there’s a plethora of shrimp being caught and sold right now down in eastern North Carolina (yes, lovingly, “ENC”). As soon as I heard this, my brain kicked into meal-planning overdrive for our recent weekend in Beaufort. But there was one condition when I requested shrimp appetizers and entrees (ALL SHRIMP EVERYTHING!) for the crowd of family members in attendance: I had to peel all the requisite shrimp. Never fear, I wholeheartedly volunteered Charlie and myself for this duty. And after several beers on the beach, we were shrimp-peelin’ machines! Really, you get into this groove and just start feeling the flow, and before you know it you’re done. Hard at work Funnily enough, this was the first time I’d willingly deveined shrimp, and I’d never used one of these nifty little red tools that does it for you. They’re genius. (Of course, I’m […]